Contributing Guidelines#

Welcome to the contribution guidelines for the 6940swerve-docs project. If you are unfamiliar to writing in the reStructuredText format, please read up on it here.

Creating a PR#

PRs should be made to the 6940swerve-docs repo on GitHub. They should point to the main branch and not stable.

Creating New Content#

Thanks for contributing to the 6940swerve-docs project! There are a couple things you should know before getting started!

Where to place articles?#

The location for new articles can be a pretty opinionated subject. Standalone articles that fall well into an already subject category should be placed into mentioned subject category (documentation on something about simulation should be placed into the simulation section). However, things can get pretty complicated when an article combines or references two separate existing sections. In this situation, we advise the author to open an issue on the repository to get discussion going before opening the PR.


All new articles will undergo a review process before being merged into the repository. This review process will be done by members of the WPILib team. New Articles must be on official FIRST supported Software and Hardware. Documentation on unofficial libraries or sensors will not be accepted. This process may take some time to review, please be patient.

Where to place sections?#

Sections are quite tricky, as they contain a large amount of content. We advise the author to open an issue to gather discussion before opening up a PR.